Monday, April 28, 2008

Why would a visitor fill out the form on your squeeze page?

You have placed on the squeeze page an offer that’s impossible to
refuse for your target audience. The offer should contain the following
5 points.
Copyright by DEMC 2006, all rights reserved.
1. Show Stopping Headline
The offer has to have a headline that grabs the attention
of your prospect and addresses their needs.

2. Free Gift
The offer should highlight the benefits the visitor will re
ceive by completing the form. You’ll need to provide an
enticing gift to the visitor for filling in the form. It could be
a free report, coupon, software, ebook, etc.. It’s essential
that the offer be very desirable, as you want your visitors
salivating to get their hands on it.
The promise of a free subscription to an email newslet
ter is no longer sufficient as email newsletters are now
everywhere. While you can provide a newsletter to pros
pects, you’re better off promising the instant delivery of an
irresistible gift.
3. Fast and Easy Delivery
The offer should emphasize that the visitor will receive
the gift immediately. You can either email the gift to the
visitor (preferable) or you can deliver the gift on the web
page you direct the visitor to upon submission. Giving the
gift right away provides instant gratification to the visitors
for their time and effort in filling out the form.
Why is emailing the gift preferred? You’ll improve the
validity of the email addresses entered by the visitors. If
the visitors think they’ll receive the information on the next
page, they may input false contact information. If the visi
tors believe you’ll be sending the information by email,
they’ll be sure to enter their emails accurately.

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